Duane Michals said, "Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be."
I'm not sure if I agree with this quote, because what someone sees can be completely different from what someone else sees. The way things are perceived varies so drastically that one cannot assume a definite statement like this. I suppose it is true in that, a person could be sick, and that might not show up in a picture. The artist may try and try to get that sickness into the picture, and perhaps he or she succeeds, but then maybe the model has an itch that doesn't make it in. But I don't think "nothing is what it appears to be". I can see a picture of a bug, and know it's a bug, whether or not I can tell if it's alive or not. Someone might have a project where they create bugs-like things out of other materials, but for the most part, if I see a picture of a bug, it's a bug.
The first part of the statement, "photography deals exquisitely with appearances" is true. The camera records exactly what it sees.
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