Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Forgetting Oneself and Reflection

Yes! My first stop motion film is up! If you don't understand what is going on, please comment! I would really appreciate any feedback.

Forgetting Oneself from Kim Berens on Vimeo.

I really wanted to use Photoshop for this project, so I came up with this idea where a person is invisible. Of course I needed a story around that, and our assignment was about an everyday moment. What I came up with was a person forgetting herself. I didn't think it would be that hard, but when I shot test photos, I realized how wrong I was. However, when I shot the actual photos and actually went into Photoshop, it really wasn't that bad. It helped that all the shots where she is invisible have the same exact background, so I could just use a shot sans person and just cut her skin out, add a little gray to the inside of her sleeves and collar, and voila: invisible person. It was a lot of fun, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
But the person is not the only thing I photoshopped. I also photoshopped the lamp. Either the light was (of course) too overexposed or the surrounding area was (of course) too underexposed. So I just shot the lamp underexposed and photoshopped that light into the normal images, so that you could see the detail.
What I found difficult was keeping focus when the camera and subject both moved. That's why the feet go out of focus, and even though I don't mind the blurriness because it actually looks kind of cool and if I were a cinematographer I might use that for something again, I do wish there were a way to keep the shots all in focus as the camera moves. I suppose I could just not use continuous exposure and record the pictures the old fashion way: one at a time.
I recorded my own audio, but my version of Audacity is not compatible with the campus computer's version, and although Audacity is free, I didn't think the computer would let me install something on it, so I just went with freesounds.org, which has many many useful soundbites. I had to add the new audio in only a couple of hours, so hopefully I chose well.
I really loved using Final Cut. I want more reasons to play around with it. My credits are so simple, and yet I got so excited about them!


  1. hi kim,

    i just checked your blog and saw this... should the arms be limp in your turtle neck??? in other words, should you have forgotten both your head and your arms? or should you only see your head in the shot of your head in bed??

  2. I'm so glad you commented. Actually, the person in the video forgot her entire body, which she left in bed. Is that what you're asking?
    Thanks for your interest!

  3. oh! in that case, should she be moving like normal? or should she be moving strangely since she now has no foundation to hold her body up?
